
Case Discussion 2 (Case #004)

19 Mar 2012 00:24 #1 by bergenparanormal
Not to mention, there are two young children with an infinite amount of energy to thrive off of.

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19 Mar 2012 00:03 #2 by JanetP1507
I love the term Ghost Rescue! Sorry, I'm new here :P

It does seem the entity is not intending anyone harm, it may be confused or trying to communicate the only way it can. Since your clients are both sensitive to a degree, it may be trying to reach out to them. I guess it's up to the clients whether or not they want to try to determine if it needs help or just "rescue" it. Please keep us posted on this case, it's very interesting! Good luck.
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18 Mar 2012 23:22 #3 by Peek-A-Boo
How To Get Rid Of A Ghost:

Most ghosts do not need gotten rid of, but actually need Ghost Rescue. If you think you have a ghost but are not sure, then we suggest you read how to tell if you have a ghost. If you believe you have a troubled
ghost with you or your family, remain calm and try to open up to understanding the ghost communications that may be happening around you. Often, a ghost simply wants to be recognized as existing - wanting you to know it is still alive before it will move on towards the light. Many times, people are shocked to find out it is someone they know and love! Maybe the ghost, who is simply another person, really wants to
deliver a message to someone before feeling released to move towards the light unto peace, joy and love.

If by chance you feel you have a negative spirit or energy in your home (a ghost that frightens you, is physically abusive or ghosts that are sexually perverse) (enlightened, positive spirits or kind ghosts will not be bothersome, if one asks to not be bothered - and sets the rules), try to handle negative entities & ghosts in this manner:

1) Remain unemotional and firm when dealing with a negative ghost, as they will feed off of your fear and make themselves stronger and more powerful (much of this is simply in our mind - I do not believe they have any power over us, except what we give them). Just know you are in control, and speak out loud for the ghost or spirit to leave;
and that they are not welcome in your home. You have nothing to fear, for fear is created in the mind. Do this firmly, yet with love.

2) Tell the spirit or ghost to seek the light, and that its physical body has perished and it's time (and good) to leave this physical realm. Tell negative ghosts that they will see other spirits (loved ones) who are called to direct and guide them; and will be treated with love and forgiveness no matter what they've done. Ghosts need to know that they can be affecting others negatively, and that it is time for them to move on in life
and unto peace and enjoyment.

3) If they are worried about punishment, tell them that they're not sent to an eternal "hell," but will be shown their lives and are made to experience what they have done;
so they can understand those things and how they have impacted themselves and others. They will always be treated with love and will be helped to move beyond any self-created guilt and condemnation - through forgiveness, especially forgiveness of themselves. Be very firm in letting them know it's good for them, and time for them to
go. Keep telling them this until you feel they've gone to the light, the realm of spirit - this will help them move on. Light is not to be feared for it is love, peace and truth. Darkness is "lack of understanding" and negative - false.

Traditional Spiritual Cleansing - Ghost Smudging
If the spirit or ghost activity does not stop, or stops only for a while, then resumes, some like to do a spiritual cleansing of the house. This is the traditional practice of "smudging" a home to get rid of an unwanted ghost. However, we feel it will only temporarily slow the activity down, for the ghost needs to truly move on :

1) Crack a window in each room of your home and take a dried bundle of sage (available at most metaphysical stores) and "smudge" your home clearing out any negative or stagnant energies. Smudging is simply lighting the sage bundle, making sure you have a safe receptacle to catch the ashes in, and walking around your entire home allowing the smoke to circulate and cleanse the energy and space.

2) Being firm and unemotional, walk around each room of your home, while saying loudly and firmly, "This sage is cleansing out all negative energies and spirits... all negative energies and spirits must leave now through the windows and not return." Do
this until you sense the negative energy has gone and the room's energy lightens (to a positive - look for peace) and then say, "In the name of God, this room is now cleansed." Know and sense this.

3) Remember not to worry about how you sound if you stumble on your words. The main thing is your intent, which is your faith. You have power and have nothing to fear. Your intentions are to rid the home of negative energies and spirits and they will know this, if they are there. Always work with your own energy from within your soul and incorporate this energy into the cleansing. Draw your divine power from within your innermost being. Always be firm, non-fearing, unemotional and deal with negative ghosts strongly, yet in love. You are always in control and are not powerless. Some people like to re-visit
a cleansed house by going back into all of the rooms with a pleasant incense such as lavender while inviting all loving, protecting, positive spirits into the home. You may end the ritual by lighting a white candle and setting it on a table to burn for a bit to "seal" the ritual. I recommend first helping the ghost, then doing the cleansing.

I don't believe in "demons" (although there are negative spirits,
which are people out there in the spirit realm who are just the same negative people they were on earth ), but we do believe in ghosts. Some ghosts will never communicate with you, but appear to be residual energy left over from a former event (maybe traumatic) and somehow recorded onto the atmosphere of a location. These do not go away and do not react with the present day or people. True ghosts, however, are simply earth-bound spirits, that have decided to stay attached to the
earth realm, rather than moving into the higher, spiritual realms. There are several reasons why this may occur - the most common is that some dis-embodied people (or ghosts) may just want to be recognized as still being alive. Speak to them; acknowledge the ghosts you suspect are trying to make contact with you. Treat them as human beings, for they are.

Sometimes ghosts don't quite understand that their physical body is gone; it wasn't really who they were anyway...all of us are spirits. Many times, ghosts may be afraid to move on and into the light where a life review will occur, believing they may be punished (such as in an eternal hell, which is a man-created idea...hell is a state of mind, such as a person who has passed being afraid to move on toward the light) for not being good enough while in the physical world. Or perhaps, they still enjoy the people and places here on earth and don't want to leave; preferring to remain close to those they know who are still in physical bodies. Some ghosts simply will not move on due to former addictions, attachments, earthly pleasures, or what they deem as "familiar." Ghosts can have unfinished business here on earth and may need help getting a message across to someone, or an item found that was hidden by them.
Keep in mind that a few ghosts can be very negative; while other spirits may just be visiting and have positive feelings and even messages for us - e.g. loved ones, spirit guides and angels. Remain open-minded, trying to understand what the ghost may be trying to communicate with you. Maybe then, you can help the troubled spirit move forward in life and out of a self-created prison called hell.

Ghosts can possess people and some mistake this for demons, but it is really dis-embodied human spirits co-inhabiting another's physical body. These sometimes tend to be spirits addicted to earthly pleasures. Those possessed tend to be spiritually dead, with all focus being outwardly. Marked signs are personality changes, addictions, depression, etc could point to one or more possessing spirits. This is not to say that all addictions, depressions and mental illnesses are caused by ghost possession.


Some things on the person of investigators


The most familiar protection may be garlic. Long associated with vampires and werewolves, garlic is supposed to repel evil spirits and entities.

Generally, people carry a garlic clove in a pocket, or wear it on a string around their necks.

Fresh garlic is usually used. You can buy it in almost any grocery store and some convenience stores, in the produce section.


According to many traditions, spirits cannot cross a line of salt. Others believe that salt generally repels evil spirits, and the salt can be carried in any container, worn in a small pouch around the neck (or carried in a pocket), or cast in the direction of the problem entity.

There are two main kinds of salt used for this purpose: White salt and black salt.

White salt is the common table salt found in most kitchens. Many people prefer to carry pure sea salt for protection, and some favor kosher salt, but any table salt or cooking salt can be used.

Black salt can be one of two kinds of salt. One is edible and the other usually isn’t.

One is a specialized mineral salt, generally mined in India. It is a dark pinkish gray, and tastes somewhat like sulphur. It’s available in ethnic stores and often sold in health food stores; its vegetarian uses include mixing the salt with tofu to mimic egg salad. This form of black salt can be used for protection, but it’s not the one most popular.

The other kind of black salt is the one more commonly used for protection. It is often made with sea salt — the white kind — but mixed with an ingredient to turn it black. Among witches, those ingredients can include ash or powdered charcoal from a fire, scrapings from a cast iron pot, or even black pepper.

Because black salt is often associated with voodoo, some people aren’t comfortable using it for any purpose. However, in voodoo and related traditions, black salt is used as a powerful means to lift or repel curses, and keep away evil spirits.


Catholics and non-Catholics alike use holy water as protection from ghosts and evil of all kinds.

Holy water can be purchased in some Catholic stores. However, most people visit the nearest Catholic church. In the church entry or lobby, there is usually some sort of drum or container with a spigot. Church members bring their own bottles to decant the holy water, and leave a couple of dollars as a donation.

Technically, anyone can bless their water to make it ‘holy’. In older Catholic traditions, an individual makes the sign of the cross over the container of water and says, ‘I bless this water in the name of the Father…’, and so on.

In other religious contexts, any blessing prayer or ritual can be used for holy water. Some Pagans also place a clear glass bottle of holy water in the moonlight for three nights, similar to the practice used with salt, described above.

Among non-Christians, Bibles aren’t quite as popular as holy water. However, we’ve met ghost hunters who are Atheists or non-Christians, and they believe implicitly in the power of the Bible as a tool for protection


While many ‘lucky charms’ and protections refer to specific spiritual traditions, some are successful whether the person believes in that religion or tradition, or not.

These include holy medals (St. Michael medals are especially popular), pendants representing a lucky horseshoe, iron nails (may repel faeries more than ghosts), or a lucky rabbit’s foot (not widely used during ghost hunts, due to their association with animal cruelty and death).

There are also ghost hunters who wear ‘lucky socks’ or a similar item of clothing, and firmly believe that they provide protection from evil… or at least bad luck.

Others wear a garment or piece of jewelry that was left outside on the night of February first or second. According to folklore and some Pagan traditions, Brigid (or St. Bridget) blesses these items, making them especially lucky, healing or protective during the coming year.


Several cultures — including the Irish and some Native American nations — believe that pouring liquor on a grave (or on the ground, in general) is a way to pay respect to the dead. Several Yoruba-based spiritual traditions use this as a way to earn favor with certain spirits, including the dead.

If an investigator has established some rapport with a helpful spirit in a haunted setting, he or she may offer a gift of liquor (poured onto the ground, outdoors or in the building’s unfinished basement). After a brief time during which the spirit enjoys the gift, the investigator asks for the spirit’s help and protection during the research that follows.

These are just a few items that are used by a variety of ghost hunters, regardless of their cultural, ethnic or spiritual contexts.

other ways to protect yourself are by wearing medallions or amulets. You can also keep stones in your pocket that have protective energies to them. You can get these by going to your local priest or new age stores (depending on your religious beliefs).
The following user(s) said Thank You: amoonwolfe, bergenparanormal

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18 Mar 2012 23:10 #4 by amoonwolfe
Consider asking someone such as Fr. Bailey from RI for help. He has a laudable success level.

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18 Mar 2012 21:23 #5 by bergenparanormal
Mentally, all I could get was an intuition towards his past. I'm not psychic, so getting the opinion from one is nice.

I have told the family bargaining is over, and its time to take back what is their's. To this point, they have been open and courteous, and maybe too inviting.

I am looking for the right words or method to help cross him over. This must be done delicately, or the issue may become exacerbated.

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18 Mar 2012 20:57 #6 by LilaDelia1974
I want to give this people the advice to make it clear to say against this spirit that he is not welcom in their homes and lives. That he should not bother them with his haunting. I will also try to make contact with him and ask him if he needs help. He was not a bad person but someone who because of circumstances on the wrong path ended. Say him that he is not punished where he goes. Ask him to rest! Everyone has good and bad side, and all is forgiven. Every life has its lessons. It did not work in this life, do the following more your best. I feel that he has been abandoned by people he loved. It has destroyed him mentally. I do not know if this is good, but I got this through. I hope you find it useful to both humans and the spirits to help. He stand to be open if it is made very clear to him. I will here in the Netherlands burn a candle for him. Vera xxx

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18 Mar 2012 20:33 #7 by Lucas
wow... this looks really creepy... but interesting on other hand
The following user(s) said Thank You: bergenparanormal

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18 Mar 2012 20:27 #8 by bergenparanormal
I just returned from interviewing my clients, and have more information pertaining to their situation, and a few errors to correct.

They encountered the spirit on the first night in a 30 day rental condo in San Diego. They heard noises, saw shadows, visible pulsing orbs, physical touch and electronic malfunctions occurred. In less than a week, the family was scared out, and they returned to NJ. After leaving the condo, activity ceased.

Two weeks later, the wife received an e-mail from the owner claiming a box was left behind. They had no idea how this happened, as they checked three times that everything was out. Regardless, a week later a box showed up. The box contained nothing but clothes the wife had owned before going on vacation. Immediately upon opening, activity began.

To cut to the chase, all sorts of shit happens and increases; audio/visual disturbances, full body/partial body apparitions, physical touch, pain, etc. The pain and physical changes usually involves severe headaches, dilated pupils, fast heart rate, sweating sensation and shortness of breath.

There children, ages 3 and 1 seem to be affected more recently. They are frequently tired, and the 3 year old constantly engages in conversations with the "old man", which he describes exactly as his father sees him. Two weeks ago, the three year old blurted out how the man died. The three year old claims the man had a heart attack in the shower, as a complication of putting a (purple/back) liquid drug into his arm (most likely heroin). The man then fell and bashed his head, bleeding to death. Immediately after, the three year old refused to speak anymore. Ironically, that death strangely resembles the symptoms they have when in pain.

Important to mention, I had a strong feeling this was not the gentleman who lived in the apartment previously. I truly believed this was a squatter, and told the clients what I felt. They told me the area they were in was overpopulated with homeless, and the police told them to report suspicious activity because squatters use the apartments when they're vacant for shelter. I had no knowledge of this at that point.

The entity appears to be causing slight personality changes in the husband. The husband, who only drank socially and did not have much taste for alcohol has recently found it hard to stop once he starts. At this point, he has quit drinking altogether. Ironically, the three year old child did claim the spirit had both a drug/drinking problem. What three year old knows and understands this kind of stuff? I assure you, it isn't the parents teaching him.

Interesting enough, the wife and husband do seem to possess some medium qualities. The husband was constantly exposed to spirits at a young age, as he lived in a house that was once used illegally as a mortuary. Since activity with the spirit began, the husband has been seeing spirits on a constant basis, specifically at his job in a semi-abandoned hospital. The wife's grandmother was deemed a medium in her native country, and well known among locals for her ability to communicate with the dead.

While speaking about attempting to let the spirit cross over, I became very cold. The room we were in was very hot. I had an open seat next to me, and put my hand over. My hand was freezing, my hairs standing on edge. Also, the bones in the fingers on my left hand began to vibrate inside my skin as if I was resonating.

At this point, I have a hunch that both the husband and wife possess some medium ability. I have ruled out the possibility that the box contained something, and they refuse to buy antiques as well. The spirit has a strong presence, as I felt it. I believe this is someone who suffered a fast, traumatic death and is afraid of crossing over, due to fear of prosecution. The family is psychologically stable, and wants the spirit gone at this point. He retaliates at any eviction attempt. Sage smudging has helped dramatically, but has not made the entity leave or stop. The entity still makes its presence known 24/7, and travels with them.

That is my update. Please feel free to give your input and ask questions if I left something out. I will be attempting communication with the spirit in a week or two, and will hopefully have an even better understanding then.

+ Michael

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