

Case Discussion 1 (Case #004)

18 Mar 2012 15:44 #1 by ghostman50
The name Michael I believe is sonethung from your clients past

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18 Mar 2012 14:00 #2 by bergenparanormal
Okay, I'll keep everyone posted. I have to leave in about fifty minutes to meet with them.

I'm familiar with the Incubus and Succubus. That is a good thought to keep in mind. I'm curious, why the name Michael though? Is that a name affiliated with the Incubus or Succubus?

As for deals, that time is over. As I said, I can be fully engaged in the case now. I agree with Crystalcross, the best solution would be crossing over if this actually is an intelligent spirit.

I'll keep everyone updated.

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18 Mar 2012 03:44 #3 by ghostman50
i agree with everything that crystalcross said your going to have to dig a little deeper into your clients past whats going on there all lies there im not sure its a good idea to make a deal with things like this it could be a postive spirit or a neg one its like inviting whatever it is to go and come as it pleases you also mentioned that it touches in inopropte ways ill throw 2 things at ya not saying is is or not but could be either of these .INCUBUS - A spirit or demon thought in medieval times to lie on sleeping persons, especially women, with whom it sought sexual intercourse. SUCCUBUS - In folklore, a female demon thought to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.just another factor to consider when talking to your client ask her if the name michael meens anything to her if she looks surprised when you ask that please let me know what she tells you hope everything works out for everyone involved

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18 Mar 2012 02:37 #4 by bergenparanormal
That is a good point.

I will be doing an investigation there in a few weeks. I'm just waiting on some new equipment, but I bought some stuff so we can set up live feeds.

I'll message you when it gets sooner, and we can work out the details.

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18 Mar 2012 02:32 #5 by crystalcross

bergenparanormal wrote: I completely agree on the items in that box. I had asked about this in the past, but the wife answered it was only some of her clothes. I need to pry deeper now that I am fully engaged in the case.

One thing I would check, is if any of the cloths items were purchased at a second hand store, thrift shop, or received from a friend or relative. Cloths can very much carry attachments.

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18 Mar 2012 02:25 #6 by bergenparanormal
Hey, I really appreciate your input. That was all good stuff.

To answer your question: Yes, the entity will follow on trips to relatives over the holidays, etc.

As I said, they contacted me based on a reference but I could not visit them due to an injury. At the time, bargaining was the only option if they weren't willing to try another investigator.

However, the spirit became bored rather fast, as you predicted.

I completely agree on the items in that box. I had asked about this in the past, but the wife answered it was only some of her clothes. I need to pry deeper now that I am fully engaged in the case.

What is your take on the pain? I don't believe this is the spirit purposely attempting harm. Honestly, at this point I feel that the pain and feelings they are receiving are being caused by the physical presence of the spirit itself.

Thanks for the good words, Crystalcross.

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18 Mar 2012 02:15 #7 by crystalcross
Well, here's my take on this.

First off based on what you've said I would have to start with the assumption that the entity is attached to the box, or some object in the box that was shipped back. Since the family did not have any previous unrest prior to the move I would start by looking at objects that were purchased or acquired during the move, or brought into the house just before the first event. I would limit my search to the box or items in the box that was returned when the events started back up.

I would look at the origin of each object and try to find objects that could possibly have some dark energies attached to them.

If the family stays with a friend or at a hotel does it follow?

I would stop any bargaining immediately. It is my personal opinion that trying to reach a long term equilibrium with a spirit entity is a bad move. Its ok for a short term solution, but the ultimate goal should be to resolve and get the entity to cross over. Or at least to gain intelligence on the motives behind any interactive haunt. And if its a residual haunt, the best course of action is to find its source and eliminate it. The danger in my personal opinion, in trying to "live with" a spirit is that its like having a relative over that can't ever leave. After a while they get bored and want more action. And I personally think its not healthy for a spirit to not cross over, I personally think that eventually it changes their "mental" stability, and they lose grip with part of their humanity.

I'm not a medium so I'm sure there are others who can chime in better on the aspect. But I am an observer and I someone who can extrapolate theories out of all the information I hear.

Course of action? I would start with the search for an object. At the same time I would try to involve a sensitive to try to gain insight as to the origin and motivation of the entity. Its always best to bring in someone from outside the family, so if something is breached which the entity is not happy with the reprisals are not against the family.

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17 Mar 2012 21:44 #8 by bergenparanormal
Hey everyone. I am currently working a case close to home, and I thought this would be a great way for everyone to exercise their minds a bit. I want the best results and answers for this family, and I know there may possibly be someone here who has an idea / thought that could help them in addition to what I can provide.

The family contacted me in December, one month after moving back from a condo they bought in San Francisco, California. Less than two days after moving into their new home, the family began to hear noises, see shadows, etc. The child (About 3 years old) began speaking to an older gentleman. Within two days, objects were moving, doors were locking from the inside and the family was feeling a heavy presence. The wife began feeling as if she was being touch inappropriately. As a result, they were back to NJ within two weeks of moving.

Once home, things returned to normal for about a week. A week later, a box they had left behind by accident was returned. Immediately, the activity seemed to begin. Since, the activity has circulated mostly around the wife. She feels as if this entity follows her in particular, and is desperate for her attention. When they moved home, they would be awaken from their sleep as soon as they drifted off. The entity has no issues with being known, and does so frequently when they try to ignore it.

After being contacted, I told them it would be a few weeks before I could do anything because of a recent accident. I heard their story, and proposed the concept of bargaining. The family was not driven on evicting the spirit, but wanted some privacy and quiet at understandable times. I proposed they stand their ground, firmly state the property is their own, and offer it attention at designated points of the day. The husband offered to talk it out with the spirit each morning when he woke up at seven. For one week, this worked like a charm. In fact, the husband was woken up by physical touch at 06:59 four morning straight.

After the holidays, I was contacted because the bargaining appeared to stop working. Since, the activity has greatly increased. The family is having physical pain that seems to resonate in their bones. The family also claims to feel as if they are walking through water in their home; a heavy feeling. Furthermore, the husband sometimes gets up feeling 100 lbs. heavier than he is.

In addition, the husband and wife are woken simultaneously by a shocking sensation if they are to fall asleep between the hours of 12 and 4 am. Every night, the wife will get a ringing sensation in her ear, that she claims is slightly different than the average ring one may get.

Regardless, they are low on sleep and desperate for help. Tomorrow, I will be meeting with them to get more information, obtain a psychological profile on them and discuss possible options.

The entity seems clearly obsessed with the wife, and only appeared once moving into the apartment. It is verified, the former resident, an old man did pass away in the San Francisco condo. They were the first family in after the passing, but had no idea until weeks after the move.

I will obtain a list of things that were returned in the move, as maybe one of the objects has an odd attachment to the property.

Basically, I'm wondering what everybody's first take on this situation would be. I will update the case as it progresses, but I am interested in hearing some first impressions. I highly doubt this is a case of a spiritual crush.


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