


29 Jul 2011 18:08 #1 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Replied by Tresses Of Nephthys on topic Re: Spirits
the dreams are definitely your past life

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29 Jul 2011 17:50 #2 by BTFox1969@gmail.com
Replied by BTFox1969@gmail.com on topic Re: Spirits
TressesOfNephthys it is funny you mentioned the Civil War because ever since I was a kid I would have the same dream that I was a Confederate soldier running through the woods and into a field where one of my feet slid between two roots. My body twisted around to the right and I landed on my back. As this happened I remember that two bayonets were rammed into my stomach. There was an immense feeling of panic and pain and then I would wake up. I have had the same dream ( nightmare really) for over 30 years. Never changes. Always the same everytime I dream it. I have told family and friends about it through the years. Wonder if that is a view of a previous existence and that little girl is a sister, cousin or daughter of mine? Could she be connected to me? I really need to take some time off from work and do more indepth research about all of this.

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29 Jul 2011 16:53 #3 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Replied by Tresses Of Nephthys on topic Re: Spirits
I think the little girl spirit is old, very well dating back to civil war or earlier to colonial times. I think she could have become attached to Mr. Cox during his life, now they are in the house together. If Mr. Cox crosses over to the other side I think he would take the little girl with him.

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29 Jul 2011 13:34 #4 by BTFox1969@gmail.com
Replied by BTFox1969@gmail.com on topic Re: Spirits
The old man, Mr. Cox isn't really the problem. It was the sighting of the little girl that my mom thought was my niece that bothers me some. Yes I still have access to the house due to my parents still live there. I have not to date found anything connecting the death of a little girl to this house. The only thing I can come up with is either the little girl is somehow connected to Mr. Cox as in past family member, or this is a entity that has connected itself to him by means of the way he died and is taking full advantage of his energy wanting to stay at that house to manifest itself. Although I suppose it could be an entity of someone that is connected to one of my parents, myself or my sisters from our childhood. Although I have not closed down the possibility that this is a, for lack of a better word, demon taking a non violent form to gain access through being none confrontational starting in the beginning. I will look into it further and keep people posted. Thanks to all.

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28 Jul 2011 23:13 #5 by undertaker1
Replied by undertaker1 on topic Re: Spirits
Awsome story first of all. Sounds like he is still attached the house or hasn't realized he has passed yet. Either way see if he will communicate if you are still there or capable of going there. If he doesn't then i suggest getting someone who can or if you want to get rid of it help him crossover.

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28 Jul 2011 20:16 #6 by BTFox1969@gmail.com
Replied by BTFox1969@gmail.com on topic Re: Spirits
I've found that most of the people I deal with on a daily basis are those of a scientific, engineering approach. While they are very intelligent they seem to lack the effort in instead of pulling a story or happening down by just using the basic principals of their chosen profession that i.e. if it is not solid or can be proven through scientific trials then it does not exist. Although I deeply respect these individuals, they seem to be lacking in the art of, if it is happening, how can we disprove it to prove it. You know. Don't check the box that the story was bad unless you have read the story.

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28 Jul 2011 18:59 #7 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Replied by Tresses Of Nephthys on topic Re: Spirits
BT Fox, if anyone's going to believe you, it's here. :)

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28 Jul 2011 18:25 #8 by BTFox1969@gmail.com
Replied by BTFox1969@gmail.com on topic Re: Spirits
Well, the weekend has passed and I am finally getting the chance to share my other story. So here goes.
Back in 1975 I had the last 3 of my grandparents pass away about 9 months apart from one another. It was really hard on us all. We had attended the viewing of my moms mom and headed back to her house for a family get together to try to celebrate her life instead of mourning her death. About 20 minutes after we arrived at the house the phone rang and my mom picked it up. I sat on the couch playing with my matchbox cars like I had done hundreds of times before ( both my parents worked and my grandma took care of me for a long time) and noticed my mom had just frozen. She looked very intense like it was the most important thing in the world that she was doing. Then out of nowhere she started to cry and hung up the phone. To me it seemed like a long time but she recalls it only happened for a moment. Now over 30 years later she still recalls it like it was yesterday. But she just adds another detail that only a few knew before me. While telling this story to me I asked her what was wrong and she tells me that that phone call was from her mother. All that was said on the other end was "Don't worry Sharony. it'll be okay and I love you". My mom to this day regrets hanging that phone up. All the family was at the house that day. There was only one phone jack in that house. No one else knew what was going on except the family concerning the funeral, and yet this phone call came days after my grandma had passed on. Now I know some will say no way. But my mom has always been a really great person who has stayed true to everyone and told the truth nomatter what the outcome was. I just hope that if that time comes for me, and that phone rings, I will prevail and stay on that call. Thank you for letting me share this story with you.

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26 Jul 2011 16:21 #9 by BTFox1969@gmail.com
Replied by BTFox1969@gmail.com on topic Re: Spirits
On my last reply, I was correct. Winchester, Virginia changed hands between the north and south 72 times in 4 years. That is an average of once every 3 weeks. According to Wikipedia, the majority of battles were fought in Virginia resulting in major loss of life. If you all ever get out to the East coast, Virginia would be a good place to do some investigations. Here are a few sites for you. Bull Run in Manassas, Virginia, Appomattox Virginia, Shenandoah Valley, and many more. I will try to create a PDF map marked with the locations that I know of. I too am trying to start a Investigative unit in the Virginia area. When I am finally up and running I will let you know. If you would like some more material feel free to let me know. I do have another story for you but I will have to send it later today. It involves my mother and grandmother. I haven't told many people but real close friends who have open minds. Thanks.

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26 Jul 2011 13:23 #10 by BTFox1969@gmail.com
Replied by BTFox1969@gmail.com on topic Re: Spirits
First, that would be fine if you put my story on your site. Secondly on the historical and town records side of things there has not been much as of lately. I am gone from the area about 16 hours a day for work and only have a rare Saturday for research unless I do it on the web at night. I know that a house I moved out of about a year or two ago was actually built over top of an old mass grave for confederate and union soldiers. This was in Historic Winchester which was about 2 blocks from the old Winchester Hospital. Winchester changed hands I think more than any other city during the civil war. I think just for Virginia though. In that house we would stay sick all the time. Once we moved...fine as a fiddle. I do believe that the whole Shenandoah Valley is riddled with unmarked graves. Gotta figure for the entire Civil War, 600,000 people died just along the east coast.Please feel free to inform me of anything you may hear of about my area and I will be sure to visit your site. Thank you for your response to my story.

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