

Ideas of the other Side

13 Jan 2012 02:51 #1 by LeslieAValentin
Unlike Orson Wells who put a nation in panic, the subject of visitors to Earth from somewhere else I do believe is already a fact. And, no, I don't have an aluminum foil hat either . ;)

What is very plausible to me is very much along the lines of what the scientists were talking about - DNA from another planet matching or closely resembling DNA here on earth. Do I think it's hokey to believe that "aliens" are among us? Not at all. I think it is a very guarded topic though due to governments and other agencies. And, I think that boils down to an attempt to keep control/power over a situation as well as over citizens by keeping secrets. And I also think (and this is just my opinion) that it absolutely drives them nuts when "regular joes" do see something. I'll not touch on abductions as I can't honestly say where I stand on that subject personally.

However, if you take the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other religious books and scrolls, and combine the information from those texts with what science has to say, you get a bigger picture of what is really going on. To dismiss one or the other would be careless I believe.

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13 Jan 2012 02:31 #2 by crystalcross
You're right. Actually when I referenced "Demons" I was more referring to a class of type of events, rather than trying to classify them as a specific type of entity. That discussion is already covered in a different thread. Not trying to re-invent the wheel. :)

You bring up a great tangent there though, what about perhaps beings from other worlds. I mean I'm sure in the vast of all that exists, "We are not alone". So, what about when they cross. Which (while munching on the banana) leads to another question. When spirits pass, do they stay in the local space and among that which they feel comfortable with, or could they perhaps be trapped in a far off location.

Perhaps I should eat fewer bananas.

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13 Jan 2012 02:31 #3 by Tresses Of Nephthys
I agree with Leslie that I think a lot of things get called demons which should not be. Be it animals or other creatures from another plane of existence. Just because we don't know what to call something at the time doesn't automatically mean it's a demon. Don't laugh--but sometimes you see these shows with footage of diminutive spirits that often get labeled "child-like" or "demon", but what if they are little people ghosts?

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13 Jan 2012 02:22 #4 by LeslieAValentin
Here's a banana for you to munch on while pondering! :P

On a serious side though, I actually think what you are bringing up are very good questions. Kind of like, what came first, the Chicken or the Egg?

I was watching a program the other night where scientists are looking at space rocks from Mars and the genetic DNA of the fossils within .... where they are almost identical to DNA patterns here on Earth.

With that said, I don't discredit summations of animals having spirits because, in finality, they too are living beings. And, if you look long enough, over centuries of time with accounts of different areas, all have stories of animal spirits - regardless of color or creed.

As for demons.... I personally think the term is overused... kind of like the 90's craze with Ritalin. Demons were never human or animal; they are a species of their own from a time long before any of us can even begin to fathom. I don't discharge demons from mind, but I believe that the majority of negative interactions that are experienced are negative imprints left behind or by a spirit whose unfinished business still exerts an emotion of anger or hatred or to cause harm.

To look at the spectrum of Heaven and Hell, or however it is coined per location of a particular society, I look at it as being all around us - like air. We can't see it,but we know it's there. As a little child my child brain said Heaven was in the clouds and hell was at the core of the earth. As an adult, I put it as everywhere, on a different plane from us, but nonetheless, here.

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13 Jan 2012 02:08 #5 by crystalcross
So, being someone who tries to stitch things together into theories. I've been looking over some of the various ideas and concepts on the forums. As I do, a few questions have come to mind. So, here's as good a place as any to bring them out.

Lets start with animals. I've seen a thread lately about pets, and animals as in the context of there being spirits of animals which have passed. Well, it lead me to thinking and starting to ask, what defines which animals cross and which do not? And if we say all do, then what happens to the lions, and tigers and bears which pass?

The next topic I saw was regarding demons, and "Evils", shadows, and all the dark things which inhabit the alternate planes. And I started thinking of numerous accounts I've heard from sensitives of the dark shadows, and how they sometimes come for spirits.

And then, I remembered some investigations and discussions in which a possible inhuman entity was a part of it. I've always had trouble thinking of them in terms of "Demons" but rather as some form of older spirit, perhaps not of human origin.

So, then I started tossing all these around in my little noggin. After bumping around a few times and rattling my ear drums, I started to wonder if perhaps it all ties together.

If we accept that animals do have spirits and exist after they pass, then whats to say that some of the "Inhuman" spirits are not those of animals. And perhaps some being Apes or other primitive primates.

I have more questions, but lets start here. Maybe I'm totally bonkers. But just some thoughts and questions.

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