

My Neuro-Paranormal Theory

22 Jul 2011 00:48 #1 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Well I mean absolutely no offense to anyone when I say this, it is indeed my opinion, but looking for evidence on videos and tape recorders is very much the small picture. Like trying to solve some complex mathematical problem and still trying to add 1+1. For some, it may be a hobby, but as a scientific endevor, no, I don't think the scientific community will ever take mists on video tape seriously.

I believe that we need to look at the bigger picture. The use of Earth's magnetism by migratory birds is something easily measurable mathematically and scientifically. Quantum physicist are just beginning to scratch the surface about how the human brain uses this. Do our thoughts and actions feed into and take from something of a cosmic consciousness? Other scientists the phenomenon of quantum forces in the brain--how connections are made in the brain, sometimes with no clear neuropath. We can also delve into string theory, where it is believed that there are 9 dimensions (Einstein said that for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction, and there very well may be a dimension that we are not aware of or cannot comprehend, that is moving equally opposite from us--backwards and existing of antimatter rather than matter). Then of course, black holes! Another one of the things I love to learn about. It is something that has had to be mathematically proven because in and of itself, it cannot be viewed with the naked eye--just like I believe the afterlife will someday be mathematically proven. Black holes that pop culture is aware of are massive, sometimes supermassive, but there is mathematical evidence that they may be able to exist on a molecular level. What it all means together is something that the eggheads of the world have been trying to hash out forever.

It is of the general believe amongst those like myself that deal with the otherside on a daily basis that it exists at a much higher frequency than we do. It takes a lot of energy for us to raise our frequencies to come closer to theirs, and it takes them a lot of energy to lower their frequency to ours. For some people, and spirits alike, this is easier for some than others. There's lots of equipment out there for collecting evidence so far, but who's to say that the technology couldn't stand to get a whole lot better?

OK those are my opinions, enjoy!

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21 Jul 2011 15:53 #2 by Extralien
Well, a few good questions there..

But, I have to draw you now into another theory/idea...

And one, that I feel, could be so much more easily provable (and I mean without going down the Dimension route etc.)

I have recently come up with this idea after reading another thread elsewhere and it gave me some ideas so I put fingers to keyboard and began writing and researching. What I've currently found has been knocking me for six, almost. I am rather astonished with the amount of exisitng information and new info that is currently widely available, I'm surprised that nobody has linked it all together before.

The idea is that DNA leaves behind a trace signature, or more simply, a copy of what it once was. This 'copy' is the information that the DNA contained.

To fully understand what I'm talking about you'll have to take a quick little trip via a link to this thread;
Is DNA the influence behind some paranormal activity??, page 1
There's quite a bit of info there, but I'm hoping that all the evidence so far collected is going to be part of the proof that ghosts can and do exist.

As we speak, myself and some of the team I work with are building a few test devices to be used in the field in order to test out some of the ideas and principles explained in the thread i've linked to.

Onwards and upwards as they say.. One day someone will crack it and we will all know for sure (not that many of us don't already know, but you know what I mean )

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13 Apr 2011 16:04 #3 by crystalcross
The scientific process would hold that you would first ask a question. Once asked you would conduct background research, construct a hypotheses or theory. Finally test your hypotheses by doing experiments, analyze your data and finally draw a conclusion. Based on that you can then form a postulate which can then be accepted by the community.

Relating that process to the Paranormal community we have an advantage in the second step. With the background research. Fortunately we live in a time when Paranormal research is slowly coming into the forefront. This leads to a fairly large amount of available information for background research.

As for the question. I have one that has long lingered on my mind, and I'm sure its been asked a million times by skeptics. I have a slightly "bi-partisan" view of the Paranormal. On the one hand I'm a believer in the paranormal, but yet on the other hand I'm also a firm beleiver in sience and not simply accepting anything until you have evidence. So for a few years now I've asked myself the question, "If there are so many people out there who have experienced Paranormal activity of one form or another, why is there not more proof." I know that I can't be the first to ask this, and be it spoken or not I know the question sits on most investigators minds. As we see more and more people coming out of the "Woodwork" with stories, now that they feel more comfortable discussing them, why are we not seeing more undesputable evidence. Why must we always squint to see the pictures, or always imagine what something looks or sounds like. When quite obviously those who have had first hand experience, need no hint or proding or suggestion as to "what just happened". So often it becomes painfully clear what had just taken place to those who were there first hand.

So then back to the question, "Why is there not more proof." Pure statistics would dictact that by now we should have some form of concrete evidence. Some would argue that spirits do not want to be seen or heard, but from all the stories I have heard I would suggest the contrary. Many spirits WANT to be heard, want to be seen, and want to be known. So then why do they not show up on any medium such as video? Sometimes we get faint whispers or their presence on EVP's. Sometimes we get evidence of their interactions with the environment in the form of EMF. But no elusive "Holy Grail" of investigation.

I know it may sound as though I'm a skeptic or I do not beleive. But I'm simply posing a question, so that I can approach it scientifically. And once asked, we can now create a hypothesis or theory based on the question. It gives us a goal to reach.

So here is my theory or hypothesis. What if spirits or ghosts are not really physical, and do not have any real defined energy signature at all. What if the only interaction they can really have is with our minds. Or in extereme cases with the environment but perhaps through us. (Or directly, thats a possiblity as well)

So to explain, what if when you hear a ghost, you're not hearing it. You're mind is simply picking up the "thoughts" of a spirit in the form of resonant patterns within some frequency or other environmental force thats so weak that it can not easily be measured. But not through sound or even audio frequencies of EMF. This would explain why we can see things, why we can "experience" things even collectively at times yet there is no concrete evidence.

After all it wasn't until recently that scientists discovered that many living creatures have the ability to sense magnatism through special cells in their brain. Its why ducks can migrate through vast distances and know their bearings. And they discovered the same cells in humans; however, in humans they were mostly dormant. It would explain why some of us are more tuned to spirits, perhaps they have more of the cells used for communication with spirits. And perhaps why sometimes its thought that children can see things we can't. Because perhaps in our younger years we still have those areas of the brain developing and in "learning" mode. And as adults we have so much else so we do not listen to those signals anymore so we block it all out.

It would certainly explain why we haven not caught more evidence. Because all of the devices we currently have look for physical manifestations rather than neurological responses. We have multi-spectral cameras, emf meters, sound recorders etc. Now granted we sometimes get results from extremely strong spirits who are able to effect the physical world. But more often than not these are limited, and are far outnumbered by amount of personal experiences.

I would be curious to see if there was a way to measure the brain activity of someone or a group of people while they are experiencing a paranormal event. That would be a great way to prove the theory.

Which then also brings up the question of "where does it come from" and for that I would have to defer to the strings and m-theory. Perhaps looking at alternate dimensions which exist in quantum physics theories.

Just some thoughts. I welcome input and discussions. Also welcome hearing what your theories are and how they fit with observations.

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