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I need help and enlightenment on 2 subjects

24 Jul 2011 00:46 #1 by Tresses Of Nephthys
LOL GF, like I said, I don't know if I was levitating, really have no clue what was happening since I wasn't conscious but I think you are right about the second part. I do think there is a point where spirits can enter, for the good or bad, and that's why you need to be awake to steer yourself through it. SR, glad to hear that protection bubble is working--I would recommend that as well. I send bubbles of protection to people all the time.

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24 Jul 2011 00:39 #2 by steelreality
I meditate everyday. It is one thing in my life that I am sure not to miss. Otherwise, I feel incomplete. However, that being said, about a month ago, I was meditating and I had waited later than usual for some reason or another and I drifted off to sleep. It was only for a second, literally! And I was jarred out of my zen by a presence appearing in my minds eye. A face jumped out at me like a 3-D movie. It was somewhat human like in form, but had eyes mixed of red and yello and a long pointed tongue that shot torward me. The face was without body, just a head, so to speak. But it came at me so fast that when I shook out of my trance, I felt as though this being was going to use me as a porthole to enter this realm.
So now before every meditation, I say a prayer of protection. I ask my God and my guides to surround me and protect me & my household from any evil and any harm. I create a hedge of protection...a spiritual bubble around myself and my home to keep any undesireable entity out. So far, it has worked beautifully. I feel more at ease and more certain that I am completely safe and protected as my mind and spirit leave this plane and enter another.

So as a suggestion, I would do the same. Light a candle, light an incense, say a protection prayer, ask for guidance, build that spiritual fortress around you to block negative entities. You will be surprised how well it works.

Blessings & Light
The following user(s) said Thank You: dancingwater

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24 Jul 2011 00:38 #3 by Ghost-Fairy
wow tress! your skill n level of meditation is pretty high for u to be able to levitate.. i.e.in chinese saying u may be in 'zuo huo ru mo' status - (means the body is catching fire and entered by demons/evil. It's good n bad but nevertheless i'm sure u know how to handle that well. my respect!!.
thank you tress!~ great job sweetie!

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24 Jul 2011 00:20 #4 by Tresses Of Nephthys
Haha, sorry, not trying to come off like a chastising mommy. I used to do trance meditation all the time to a tape because I could concentrate better with it than I could on my own. Once while doing it, I heard a noise out in the hall outside my bedroom, my little brother running up and down or something like that. Anyway, it threw me off kilter and I ended up falling asleep, and then woke up by landing back in my bed. Not to say I was levitating or anything like that, I think I just had some kind of convulsion. Definitely one of the more unsettling things of my life.

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23 Jul 2011 22:39 #5 by GeekNHeels
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind, I guess I just need to sit up a little more when I meditate so I don't fall asleep.

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23 Jul 2011 18:06 #6 by Tresses Of Nephthys
First I will say, falling asleep meditating is bad. Especially if you are achieving a trance state, you are thinning the veil between you and the other planes of existence, if you fall asleep, you are losing control over who and what can come visit you. As for the dream, I think that your spirit guide, who I assume is Aztec, is giving you a sign that he or she is protecting you.

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23 Jul 2011 01:24 #7 by GeekNHeels

Hello y'll! I need some serious help, for the past two years of my life I have been visited by this "thing" I don't know what is so I don't know what it is called. It always visits me when I sleep, and about every 3 to 4 months I can except a "visit." By visit I mean I feel like something has a tight hold on my body not letting me get up and when I scream, nothing comes out. I've always fought desperately against this hold and once I'm released everything is normal. No one in my home has heard mu stuggles. Over the years it's hold on me has gotten shorter and shorter but I always get shaken up about it. I've just woken up from meditating (I always fall asleep when I meditate) and the same sensation of something grabbing on to me happend again. I can't completly discribe what I feel when the thing grabs ahold of me but it's like this buzzing all around my head and I feel constricted, when I try to open my mouth my words are muffled like I'm screaming into a pillow. And I always am looking down at the scene when it happens. This time i watched as I wriggled around on my couch finally falling off onto the floor. I began crawling towards my mom who was at her desk, I climbed over our other couch and stood up next to her. I thought I wanted this experience to end but when I saw her, I stopped and thought "why should I stop? this always happens and I never get hurt?" well... I got this sick feeling like whatever was doing this to me liked that I was playing along and in an instant my mom wasn't at her chair anymore. I felt myself getting bent over the chair and having my leg picked up. Then I woke up, I'm not sure what this whole experience is...so if anyone could shed light on this subject I would be emensly happy...
Okay so before that experience I was having this dream that I can't interperate; my mother and I were doing things in the kitchen when i walked into the dinning and noticed a gray bloching stain in the ceiling closest to the wall that leads into my room, I called to my mom and said have you seen that? she answered no and went to call someone in the living room.When she came back I followed her back into the dinning and when i looked at the spot again it wasn't grey anymore it was yellow and oozing out of the cieling, panicked i asked my mother did you do that? And my mom's jaw dropped and said, "Chingau (Fuck in Spansih lol) Eddilisa you and your questions, every time you ask a question it's something bad" So I walk into my room and there's these weird gray drawings all over my room I turn to check the dinning room to see where my mom was when she noticed me she followed me into my room, the drawings then were filled in with a magenta sharppe ?? So something made me look at me cieling that would be across from the yellow oozing stain in my dinning room, in the exact spot was a thin but long dragon.. I grab my door and pull it open and notice a symbol.. This is the only symbol I can distictively remember, I found it on the internet and it's Aztec.. I've attached it, it is the first symbol in the first row... If anyone can interperate this dream I'd be grateful because this dream was so vivid and so much happend

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