Thanks everyone for the replies!!! Ok I have to say that as soon as I saw the word "portal" with "red veil" I felt like a light bulb went off. We have been getting EVP's about portals and vortexes as well. We have a theory that, as sensitives, (we have 4 in our group), we emit a "light" and spirits, things, creatures, etc are drawl to this light that we emit. It seems that our last investigations have taken a turn for the very very strange. It's very intriguing, as we want to learn and grow from our experiences, but we do not want to be put into danger or face something that we do not have the experience or strength to come against. Back to our theory. It seems that every single place we have investigated (there have been a LOT), that we get evidence. Personal experiences, sensitive and non sensitive experiences, meters going off, flashlight answering, shadows, movements, full sentence EVP's, perfectly clear EVP's that even a person who has never had experience with listening to EVP's can clearly hear and distiguish, and a confirmed full body apparition. This all just seems too "out there" for me. As so much that I have seen or heard about that this is a rare occurance. Should we be getting all this activity? At one home, we have, on video, a dime being thrown across the room at investigators. I have an EVP that says clearly into my recorder, "You f***ed up" and another that says "Beth I know what you want". We have several several more as well. Sorry if sounds like I am rambling. It just seems that lately everything has shifted to something that we can't quite understand. Lately we have been getting more aggressive EVP's (get them, get out, kill them, hurt her, etc.) I know this began w/ the red veil question, but if anyone would have anymore insight on that as well as a theory as to why we seem to be encountering things that have not been the norm for us. I really appreciate it!