Steven Matrix wrote: I could be on a team that was on TV if I thought their intent and honesty was of the highest level.
Steve, I agree. And honestly, having watched the advent of all the Paranormal TV shows, and watching them from start to now I personally am I firm believer their heart is (or at least at some point was) in the right place. But I have no doubt that they have great pressures to produce certain results, and as you said drive the ratings. Unfortunately its the nature of the Media beast. It doesn't always start out that way, and the intent I'm sure is certainly not to go that direction. But at some point you must make decisions, sign contracts, and move forward and if its not done carefully you can end up in a position where you lose control over the direction in which you move, and are contractual to stay in that direction for a period of time.
I'm not saying that's always the case, but I'm certain that scenario does come into play more often than not. So I really try to shy away from blaming the individuals, I guess its my nature to at least try to give them the benifit of the doubt and like to think the intentions are in the right place. But then we have the old saying about the "Good Intentions Paving company".
That is one reason why I've tried to be careful to "Keep it real" on this site. I understand that at some point when the growth of this site demands it, we will have to move in somewhat of a commercial direction. If for no other reason than to fund the future growth and up-keep. But if or when that does happen, I also want to be ever vigilant to ensure that its not at the cost of sacrificing integrity, reality, and the spirit of sharing and communication which has evolved and grown here.