Peek-A-Boo wrote: Rob, that made me wanna poke my eyes out LOL
Steven, wearing my healing crystal and slipped on the tile floor and dislocated my knee cap. Someone coughs and I get sick. Assorted crystals on our desk, Mario lost his job for 6 months, now ask me what I think
I think at this point a therapist might be good. Lol.
We can do something about the cough; the wife and I do tinctures and can help there, plus we hand make all of our supplements.
It would be a good idea Peek if you could write an article down the road on the crystals that you have used and what you experienced. Since this is an online community, that would be of great help I think, not to mention more believable. You needed a good luck crystal to offset the healing crystal so you wouldn't have fallen. I'm just kidding folks.