crystalcross wrote: I fully agree Grupo. Uniting efforts can be a wonderful thing. After all that's what this site is all about. Bringing together people of common interest.
But at the same time you must investigate with people you have common grounds with. Does not mean those people can not be new friends from another group. I do not believe there should be such a thing as "rival groups". I think all groups should work together for a common goal.
After all, if someone is in it for the glory and fame, then they're not in it for the right reason.
I agree. I read all of this dominance driven writings and I wonder.... It seems to me there is a control issue going on. Most people aren't going to go for that for very long. Personally I won't deal with someone who asks for my time and then wants to boss me or act as if he or she runs the show. Let's get on a real base here. If you ask anyone to do anything for you or with you then you are asking for their time and effort..maybe even some of their cash..(driving, batteries,lights,whatever else you may want them to bring) and if they do more psychic work then you are asking even more of them. IMO to have an attitude of "I want you to come here, help me do this and understand I am in total control as this is my investigation" is pretty audacious. Besides, to me these things should have an element of fun to them. I add an element to fun at do that to decrees the tension that can be present. If it's all militant then needless to say investigating isn't going to be what is foremost of peoples minds.