

remoteviewingYou may have seen the term "Remote Viewing" or "RV" used in topics or conversations regarding the paranormal or extra sensory perception abilities.  However, many do not really understand what it means.
The definition is as such:
Remote Viewing:  is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means, in particular, extra-sensory perception (ESP) or "sensing with mind".
Basically what it boils down to in a testing situation, is that a person can identify things (pictures, colors, numbers, etc.) without physically being able to see the materials. And, in test settings, the seperation between the person and the materials are in two different rooms.  Being able to identify absent materials scores in a positive range for test results in regards to extra-sensory perception.
Between World War II through the 1990's, the government has dabbled off and on with this theory and without any success finally dropped all testing by 1995.  So, does that mean that remote viewing doesn't exist and is a sham or does it just mean that the there were inconclusive results.  Well, I guess it is how you look at it.  However, despite what they "officially" say about the topic; the government supposedly awarded viewers of Star Gate, one of many remote viewing programs, the Legion of Merit Award in 1984.
While the government (Military and CIA) might have "officially " dropped their studies on it, if you type in "Remote Viewing" into your search browser, you will literally find over nine million hits on the subject.
What does it mean in regards to the paranormal?   Remote viewing is a fancy name given to more identifiable names such as telepathy and clairvoyance.  Telepathy is the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than known sources.  Clairvoyance simply means clear seeing but has been attributed by some to be able to see the future as well.
Depending on who you are talking to about the subject depends on whether or not you hear a deja vu description of OBE's or astral travel.  Others may associate into the mix "past lives" and discuss past-life regression.  Then again, others may say that you'll find yourself walking through a meadow of daisies and poppies with a warm summer breeze just tickling your cheek while all the while your body is physically sitting in a snowbound parlor in upstate New York.
So you are sitting there thinking,  can I do remote viewing?  I cannot answer that question for you.  What I will tell you is this...  Even the best of well known psychics do not always pick up on the same information when viewing a picture or even doing a walk through with an investigation.  

While there are many of us who do have the gift of clairvoyance, it does not mean we see literally everything.  Each person who has the gift, has it in different levels and strengths.  Think of it as looking at a prism that is reflecting sunlight.  There are several people sitting in the room where the prism is at.  However, depending on the distinct location of the room depends if you can see the fractions of colors from the sunlight being broken up by the angle of the prism. Some may see extrordinary colors of the rainbow, while a few others might just see the chisled light reflections without the color.  And the others might just see the prism hanging there in the window.  The same is with clairvoyance.
So with that explanation, take into consideration a similar guise for remote viewing is quite possible.  Or, as  Juliet Capulet said, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet."
