

smudge stickSmudging is a strong cleansing procedure that comes from Native American practices which is called the Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing.  The practice involves burning herbs to create smoke. The smoke bonds with negative spirits, energies and imprints.  As the smoke clears, it takes the negative presence with it and releases it elsewhere.   Whether you are wanting to cleanse a room, house, person or yourself; understand that the cleansing is a common practice in many religions and it promotes spiritual, emotional and psychic healing.  If done properly, after a cleansing is done, a common notice almost immediately will be that the air in the place that is cleansed feels lighter.   When cleansing oneself, it is another technique used to lift the spirit; to ease tension, frustration, depression, and other darkened emotions.  It can be, if not more so, soothing and relaxing than a bath with aromatherapy crystals or salts added.  This is also a good thing to do when expecting company.  I suggest doing it on a daily basis as a part of the morning routine.
There are different herbs that can be used singly or bundled together.  I prefer using Lavender, Cedar and White Sage bundled Smudge sticks. 

The Lavender promotes balance and calmness; it refreshes the senses; it eases tension and headaches as well as depression by an uplifting yet gentle aroma. It is also safe to use with pregnancies. 

The Cedar produces a woodsy type of aroma and promotes reduction in anxiety and nervousness. It is also a respiratory aid and helps with reduction of congestion and is helpful in reducing insomnia. 

The White Sage, which is the primary herb that I use, helps bring balance and promote energy - especially when someone is feeling spiritually weak or low. White Sage also has a strong quality to rid negativity of spirits, as well as other qualities.

One thing you must know though when burning White Sage. It is very close in scent to that of marijuana.  And often, people mistake the two scents. 

You do not want to have a flame though. You want to light the smudge stick until its smoking. This may take a little time to do.  To move the smoke, you can use a feather or use your breathe and blow the smoke to direct it where you want it to go. 

Before you cleanse a room, home or building, you want to cleanse yourself and anyone who may be assisting you. Remember though, that this cleansing should not be done in pride. Ego has no room when you are preparing to do a cleansing.  You need to be able to remove “self” from the process in order for God the Creator to move through you to do the divine work.  I would recommend also lighting a white candle and sincerely saying the Lord’s Prayer or another Invocation.  Here is one for example to use:

I invoke the light of the Creator within me.
I am a clear vessel to be used so the Creator can use me as a channel.
The light of the Creator is my guide.

It is also important to remember that this is a serious undertaking and anyone who feels the need to criticize or joke around during the process need not be present.

Fan the smoke around you in circles to create a flume surrounding your body. Do this from your head down to your feet.  As you are doing this you can say a prayer of protection but focalize all negative blocks or walls being lifted from you physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Let the smoke carry all the negative thoughts and energies attached to you away.  I recommend that this is done outside so that the negative energy that you are dispelling does not take root somewhere in the place you will be smudging.  Repeat the same process for anyone assisting you.  .

When you are ready to begin cleansing the room or building, start with the front door. Wave the smudge stick around the entire frame of the door.  Make sure you get all corners of the room, behind the door, as well as places that people don’t go to very often or would think of such as attics, basements, inside cabinets, air vents, closets; and also crawl spaces. Do not forget to frame out each window and take care when reaching under places such as beds and chairs. If you have assistance, have these people lift these items so that the negativity and darkness cannot escape to any area.

As you are doing this, you want to repeatedly say: (You can say God or Creator)

By the Divine nature and Power of God, I/we bind sacred light to this place and cast out all negativity.   

When each area has been completed, return to where you have the candle (relight it if needed) and cleanse yourself once more to disperse anything that may have tried to attach itself to you and your assistants during the ceremony.  As you do your final cleansing, say the following invocation: 

I/we thank the forces working for the light and the divine presence of God for your assistance with open hearts and sincere gratitude for the presence of peace in this dwelling and over us. 

When done, open all the  windows so that the remaining smoke can carry out any negativity attached to it.  Understand that the smoke is not “God” or the “Creator”, but rather a tool or instrument to carry out the divine work.
