

sun-stormMost have heard in one form or another of recent solar flare activity from the sun called Electromagnetic Storms.  These powerful eruptions from the sun are the cause for the Aurora Borealis which is normally seen in areas such as Alaska, much of Canada and other areas in the north.  It can also, depending on the strength of the storm, cause issues with power grids, satellites, cellular phone operations, cable television broadcasting and more.  On a level of health, there are increases in aggrivation and pain for people who suffer from different forms of arthritis and other ailments.   With this said, it is also conclusive that with the increase of a geomagnetic force of this magnitude striking the earth, that paranormal activity will increase as well.
Paranormal activity can occur at any time, day or night; year round. But what most people relate to strong paranormal activity are specific dates such as anniversaries (birthdays and deaths), events (tragedy such as a fire or murder), and physical changes to a structure where the departed once lived.  However, paranormal activity is also equated with seasonal and earthly events such as the Autumnal Equinox (the start of Fall) and the Vernal Equinox (the beginning of Spring); the two times each year when the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator.  The Winter Solistice, which is in December, marks the shortest day of the year, and consequently is the darkest day of the year.  Also, there are reports of the Summer Solstice having activity as well.
There are also reports of more activity around Halloween or All Saints Day which is at the end of October, and and All Souls Day which is in the beginning of November. All Saints Day (Halloween) and  All Souls Day, also known as the Day of the Dead, is a "modern name" stemming from the ancient Pagan Festival of the Dead.  During this festival, it was believed that the souls of those who had died would return for a meal with their families. Candles would be placed in the windows to help guide the souls home and a place was set at the table for them.  In addition, children would go through the village asking for food to be offered up symbolically to the dearly departed.     
For those who have ever gone to a location with spirit activity, we know that spirits can feed off of energy.  Examples are fully charged batteries for cameras and other devices being almost instantly drained of all or any charge.  Obviously, this was not always the case as electricity is not that old really when you think about it and paranormal activity has existed long before the mid to late 1800's when electricity started being introduced into homes and other structures.
So a thought to ponder would be, with strong polarizations striking earth from the sun and producing surges of electrical disturbances, do spirits increase their activity or become stronger in force when these geomagnetic storms occur?  My personal opinion of this phenomenon would be that the rise of spiritual  pursuits is greatly significant.  I would go so far as to say that people would testify to a level of contact that they might not have ever experienced before in the forms of apparitions, manifestations, phsyical objects being moved, increased spiritual contact during cycles of lucid dreaming or through meditation. In addition, the ways that these contacts can be made would also increase such as physical touch, smell, etc.  It would also be interesting to see data from the last strong geomagnetic storm of 2003 to this present storm with reference to paranormal activity.
