

body-soulOut of body experiences and astral projections, otherwise known in short as OBE’s, in essence an event where a person experiences a situation where they find themselves in a place where their physical body cannot possibly be at that point in time, and are totally aware of their senses and is not in a state of dreaming.

Probably in the western world that we live in, OBE’s became immensely popular during the 1970’s and 1980’s with claims from Actress, Shirley Maclaine in her book, “Out On A Limb” ‘ an autobiographical book detailing her journey through New Age Spirituality.  The book discusses as she called it, “mediumship” or “trance-channeling” (OBE’s), along with other topics such as reincarnation, meditation and UFO’s.

For Ms. Maclaine, it made her the recipient of numerous jokes via the television and other sources of media.  However, like Ms. Maclaine, over the years, she is just one of many who have sought the ability and its techniques, pros and cons as well as its purpose.

Between three and five thousand years ago, the Egyptians knew of astral travel and referred to it as “Kha”.  Hieroglyphics depict these travels by the Egyptians on the walls of temples and other buildings.  In addition, it is worthy to note that even the Bible speaks of OBE’s. 

History continues to speak of OBE’s throughout the Middle Ages and into present history.  During the Middle Ages, secret societies instituted secret and occult organizations to hide the practices from the general public. It was a form of power and also insight.  Regardless of the century or decade though, the experiences are detailed as productive and positive. In addition, as time has gone on, people, despite their economic status, race, and level of education or creed practiced and still practice and study this phenomenon.  The study in itself is called “Projectology”.

Another side to OBE’s are near death experiences where people who have “died” have made reports of floating above their bodies and watching the scene.  They have also spoken of Divine visits and seeing loved ones who have passed on before while this is occurring.  Again, the reports are positive and uplifting.

Many ask, can you have an OBE on the first attempt?  It would be highly doubtful that this would occur.  Meditation, relaxation and other techniques would need to be “mastered” first.

A big question that seems to be asked frequently is “Can you die while in an OBE?”  Aside from a traumatic accident, assault, etc., if the OBE is not voluntarily induced, then yes, the potential for death is there. However, this takes the realm of a situation attached to the near death experiences.  After extensive researching, there is no known documentation of death from a voluntarily induced OBE. 

Whether you just want to learn more about it for interest sake or you are wanting to learn how to do it, the history and practice of OBE’s are not only interesting to read, it is allowing oneself to expand the mind and be open to topics that do not sit on the shelf with culturally accepted norms.


Out-of-Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect by Robert Peterson (1997)
-Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience by Robert Bruce and -Brian Mercer (2004)
-OBE – The Out of Body Experience –
-Out of Body Experience Research Foundation by Jody Long and Dr. Jeff –

Sources of Reference:

- barnes.biblecommentator.com
- International Academy of Consciousness: iacworld.org

