


Over the next few weeks we'll be putting up a series of articles in this location to spotlite items you may need to know if you wish to become a paranormal investigator.    We will include some reasons why you may wish to make the transition from viewer to doer.   Also we'll explore some of the equiptment you may need to start your journey, some cautions to keep in mind, some tips and tricks, and then some help to get started.    As we progress through the series of articles we will also include information on how to take the next step towards a larger group and perhaps moving from a private endevour to a formal agency.

The Draw:

The fact that you are on this system or reading this message means that in some part you have already experienced and felt the draw of the unknown.    For many years there has been a fascination for the unknown, for those things which go "Bump" in the night.   As human beings we have a quality deep within us which can not simply accept an simple explanation for a complex question.   We have the ingrained urge to know more, to seek the truth.    This is at heart of this site, this need to know more, to answer the questions which many choose not to ask.   To seek what can not always be seen.   And to find proof for the "Maybe" and "Maybe not" questions which permeate the paranormal field.

If you've felt the draw, and have started to explore the unknown, you in some way must have felt to urge to "Be a part of it" as well, and not simply sit at the sidelines.    Its one thing to see the evidence on TV or read it in a book.   Its quite another thing to experience it, or be able to see it first hand.    Within this series of articles we hope to help you if you are making the decision to move from a passenger to a driver on this road.

The Caution:

While we encourage anyone who has a fascination with Ghosts, Haunting's and the Paranormal to not simply sit on the sidelines but to make the move to exploring, we must strongly urge you to use caution.    We would offer one piece of advice, and that is not to fear but rather to have a respect for the unknown.     Before you begin along the journey to do investigations, you must make sure you are on firm footing emotionally and physically.    There are certain things out there which will feed on weakness, be it emotional or physical.   There is an excellent saying, "You don't have to believe in something for it to exist..."     We always urge you to use caution over reckless abandon, and when in doubt error on the side of caution.     There are quite a few experienced investigators as members of this system, and we welcome you to ask questions.    This is a community site, so we as a community of Paranormal enthusiasts are here to help.

To Come:

We'll be coming out with articles in this feature roughly once a week over the next few months.   Please feel free to discuss the topic in the forums as well.   If you would like to see an article in this series focusing on a particular aspect of becoming an investigator, please feel free to ask.   Please always remember that Ghosts & Haunts is here to help and support our members. 
