

Quick Update:

It is pretty common that people always ask about what type of equipment they should carry. While it is true that more expensive gear can offer clarity, consistency and more professional outcomes; the best gear is having the right attitude and drive. But what type of researcher/investigator/hunter are you trying to be?

Objective? Subjective? What is the difference you ask? Very Simple:

"If you view something objectively, you view it from an outside perspective without bias. An objective analysis is one that is not based on your own opinions, beliefs or motivations. Subjective means an assessment is altered by your own opinions or biases. One trick that has always been particularly helpful to me is to try to think of the root of the words. So, objective equals object.  Since an inanimate object has no opinion objective is the correct word to use when I intend to imply that there is none of my own (or whomever is the subject in question) biases coloring the statement. Being able to be objective is really important when you are reporting an event in a journalistic manner. Objective reporting is almost a lost concept, with all the national media outlets tending to be extremely subjective. At one time objective reporting was considered a mandate of journalism, now it's more like a freak occurrence." (http://www.reference.com/motif/Society/difference-between-objective-and-subjective)


If you take the time to be objective instead of subjective you will find more and more people willing to take your information as plausible or even credible. Hollywood has made so many movies that are nothing more than camera tricks or graphic editing that have corrupted the minds of many people. These movies are not bad but they are not factual. They are just entertainment. However they influence the point of view of so many people that you are always fighting a battle when trying to show legitimate proof. It’s one thing to meet people who are open minded or sensitive to the paranormal but it’s completely different when they have already decided they do not want to hear or believe what you show/say.


So… how do you combat it? Read some of the other articles to get detailed answers… but it’s simple. Choose how you present yourself, the gear you use, the areas you investigate, the people you invite and the way you share your information very carefully. Understand what you are trying to do and don’t blow it. After all, if you went to a meeting and the person that the “professional” speaking to you was wearing dirty clothes, was unclean/looked “un-kept”, had horrible body odor and continued to pass gas during the meeting; wouldn’t you feel like he was not professional and his information was also completely false/unprofessional? First appearances are important so are follow up appearances. After all, we have all seen movies where a “crazy” person was actually completely sane/correct but no one listened because of how he looked and ignored what he said. No… I am not saying wear a business suite, have a top hat and monocle every time you leave your home. I am also not saying wearing vulgar clothing, unclean clothing or NO clothing is acceptable either. Use common sense or read some articles to get some common sense.


Anyways, check out these links and remember… it applies to all aspects of life… not just exploring the paranormal.




Happy Hunting!
